
made by fauxre <3

where would you like to go?

a list of links because you have no idea how links work

anyone messaging you asking for money is scamming you.

if you receive a message from them, or see a post, either requesting money or soliciting a romantic relationship, on any socials, chat rooms, in-game, or on a dating app, this is not me, and someone is trying to scam you.my discord server is public and friendly. it is very easy to verify whether or not you're speaking with me there.please report anyone claiming to be me, even if they're just "winking and nodding" that they're me.i am very accessible and responsive in my server's voice channel for hours at a time.i have no reason to contact you using a "secret alt" with a profile picture of my face just to make small talk.the schizos are just gonna use this to further fantasize that i'm operating under 300 layers of plausible deniability, so i don't know why i bothered to write all of this, but hey! maybe i can save one sane person :)you deserve to be loved. anyone trying to manipulate you into buying a fantasy just to take advantage of you can go fuck themselves.

if you send me any messages picking up where you left off in your "relationship" with a catfish, or asking where to send scam money, you will be blocked.it's the moment you attempt to involve actual real-life me into this whole thing where there will be a problem.you will be mentally appended to my perma-opp list, immediately. it is very easy to never end up on my perma-opp list. it is impossible to get off of my perma-opp list.spare yourself of being placed amongst the handful of people who involve me in things forcefully, against my will, and without my consent.if i am to ever consolidate two of these personas, one being the above, and the other being a community member, [redacted]. That is a promise, not a threat.autonomy comes before all else. if you stand to impugn this, you are several degrees beyond the node of becoming expendable.tread lightly :)